Balancing Fun and Stress

How Summer Affects Relaxation Across Age Groups and Families

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Summer's Influence on Relaxation for All Ages and Families

Summer is a season that many look forward to, often associated with vacations, outdoor activities, and a break from the regular routine.

However, the level of relaxation people experience during the summer can vary significantly based on factors such as age, employment status, and household dynamics.

Personally, as a parent with two small children, summer can be a challenging time. Working from home while the kids are home all day adds another layer of complexity. Unless you enjoy being asked 78 times a day for snacks and hearing “Mom, I’m bored” on repeat, I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this way.

We partnered with F'inn to investigate the subject. In this blog, we examine the impact of summer on relaxation levels across various demographics, focusing particularly on different age groups and households with working parents.


How Different Age Groups Experience Summer

Younger adults (18-34 years) find summer significantly more enjoyable than their older counterparts, with 35% reporting a "much more relaxing" experience, often engaging in beach vacations and outdoor activities.

However, for adults aged 35 to 49 years, the level of relaxation halves to just 17%, likely due to increased work and family responsibilities.

Adults aged 50 to 64 find summer "Much more relaxing" at a rate of 22%, preferring quieter activities like nature trips.

Those aged 65 and older typically enjoy more relaxed and less strenuous activities, with summer making little difference compared to other seasons as most are retired.

Challenges Faced by Working Parents

Working parents face unique challenges when it comes to finding time for relaxation during the summer months. Our recent survey highlights the significant hurdles they encounter:

  • Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities

Balancing work commitments with family time is one of the biggest hurdles. According to our survey, 68% of working parents reported feeling overwhelmed by their dual responsibilities. With children out of school, the demands on parents' time and energy increase substantially. Managing children's activities, ensuring they are engaged and safe, and handling work tasks simultaneously can be incredibly stressful.

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  • Limited Vacation Time

Many working parents only have a limited number of vacation days. Our survey found that 55% of parents take fewer than five days off during the summer. Coordinating time off with a partner or finding suitable dates that align with work schedules and children’s activities can be difficult. This limitation often forces parents to choose between taking a break for themselves or organizing family vacations, leading to feelings of guilt and inadequacy. The struggle to fit meaningful relaxation into a tight schedule is a common source of stress.

  • Managing Children's Summer Activities

Ensuring children are engaged and active during the summer is another major challenge. 63% of parents spend a significant amount of time planning and organizing activities for their kids. Summer camps, sports, and other activities can be costly, adding a financial burden on families. Our survey indicated that 58% of respondents feel the financial strain of summer activities, which adds to their stress. The constant need to keep children entertained and happy, while managing work and household duties, creates a delicate balancing act that can be exhausting.

To provide a comprehensive view of how summer impacts relaxation and vacation plans, we have included graphics that break down these aspects by gender and parental status. The first graphic, "People who are ‘Much More Relaxed’ in the Summer," shows the percentage of men and women, both with and without children, who report feeling significantly more relaxed during the summer months.

People who are “Much More Relaxed” in the Summer (Gender / Parental Status)


The graphic below illustrates the types of activities men and women plan to engage in, highlighting differences between those with children and those without.

Summer Vacation Plans by Gender / Parenting Status


Sentiment Analysis

Personal experiences, gathered from our research with F'inn, reveal how summer affects relaxation levels across different generations and family situations. While summer is often seen as a time for relaxation, it can also bring additional stress, especially for different generations and families.

Younger Adults

  • "I love beach trips and outdoor activities with friends."
  • "Balancing summer fun and work can be challenging."
  • "Less responsibility/school to worry about."

Adults (35-49 years)

  • "With work and kids at home, summer can be stressful."
  • "Planning kids' activities while managing work deadlines is exhausting."
  • "More time with family is relaxing."

Adults (50-64 years)

  • "I prefer quieter activities like nature walks and reading."
  • "More leisure time with family."
  • "Not on a strict schedule."

Seniors (65+ years)

  • "Summer doesn't change much for me."
  • "I enjoy my usual routine of gardening and light walks."
  • "Retired, so no need to worry about freezing weather."

Younger adults seek adventure and outdoor fun, those with work and family responsibilities find it harder to unwind, and older adults favor more peaceful activities.

Recommendations for a Relaxing Summer

  1. For Young Adults:
    • Enjoy your independence! Indulge in the outdoor activities that will be more challenging once you age and take on more responsibilities.
  2. For Stressed Parents:
    • Acknowledge the Stress: It's important to recognize that summer can be a stressful time, especially when balancing work and family responsibilities. It's okay to feel this way and seek support if needed.
    • Plan Short Getaways: Instead of long vacations, consider short weekend getaways that require less planning and can provide quick relaxation boosts. Local nature trips or a couple of days at the beach can be refreshing.
  3. For Busy Professionals:
    • Set Boundaries: Clearly define your work hours and stick to them. Avoid checking emails or working during vacation times. Use your out-of-office response to manage expectations.
    • Incorporate Relaxation into Daily Routine: Find small ways to relax daily, such as taking a walk in the park during lunch breaks or spending time in the evening with a good book or a hobby.
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  6. For Families with Kids:
    • Engage in Family Activities: Plan activities that everyone can enjoy, such as picnics, hikes, or trips to the zoo. This not only helps in relaxing but also strengthens family bonds.
    • Create a Summer Schedule: Having a loose schedule for the summer can help manage activities and ensure everyone gets to do something they enjoy without overwhelming any single member of the family.
  7. For Seniors:
    • Enjoy Leisurely Activities: Engage in activities that are not too strenuous, such as gardening, gentle walks, or visiting local attractions.
    • Stay Socially Active: Participate in community events or groups that offer social activities, which can be both relaxing and enriching.


Summer offers unique opportunities for relaxation, but the level of relaxation varies greatly depending on age, employment status, and household dynamics. Younger adults generally find summer more relaxing due to fewer responsibilities and a higher inclination for vacations. In contrast, those in the 35-49 age group experience lower relaxation levels, likely because of increased work and family obligations.

Households with working parents face unique challenges in achieving relaxation during summer. Our data suggests that having one parent working part-time or not working can help reduce stress, making summer slightly more enjoyable.

Understanding these preferences and trends is crucial for businesses aiming to cater to diverse customer needs. By partnering with us, you can gather detailed and accurate data to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior. These insights will enable you to prepare effective business strategies based on facts and information, ensuring your offerings resonate well with your target audience. Hire us to gather this critical data and let us help you navigate the intricacies of consumer preferences during the summer season.